Looping is an essential feature in every Programming Language including Groovy. Loops a control flow statement for traversing or iterating items in a collection, array, list, set, etc. There's a lot of ways to loop through collection, array, list, or set in Groovy. It can use classic for, do-while, while, for-in, each, or times loop. This time, we will show you the examples that used in the real Groovy projects.
Table of Contents:
- For Loop Examples
- For In Loop Examples
- While Loop Examples
- Do/While Loop Examples
- Each Loop Examples
- Times Loop Examples
Before jumping to the example, make sure you have to install Java Virtual Machine and the Groovy SDK from Apache Groovy Official https://groovy.apache.org/download.html. Then set the groovy command to the environment variable. In Mac, we can use SDKMan to install the Groovy SDK.
sdk install groovy
Now, we can run our Groovy file using the groovy command.
groovy myGroovyExample.groovy
We are using Groovy Version: 3.0.9 and JVM: 11.0.11. There is some Groovy compiler online, but make sure their version is using the latest Groovy version to make this tutorial work.
For Loop Examples
The classical looping thought the collection, array, list, or set in Groovy/Java/C is "for" keyword.
Classic For Loop example:
def cars = ["BMW", "Mercedes Benz", "Volvo", "Chevrolet", "Ford"]
for (int i = 0; i < cars.size(); i++) {
println cars[i]
Mercedes Benz
For loop with comma-separated expressions example:
for (int i = 1, j = 10; i < j; i++, j--) {
println(i + ', ' + j)
1, 10
2, 9
3, 8
4, 7
5, 6
For loop multi assignment example:
def sku = []
for (def (String a, int b) = ['AA', 1000]; b < 1010; a++, b++) {
sku << "$a$b"
println sku
[AA1000, AB1001, AC1002, AD1003, AE1004, AF1005, AG1006, AH1007, AI1008, AJ1009]
For In Loop Examples
Iterate over list of objects example:
class Cars {
String brand = ""
String type = ""
Integer price = 0
List<Cars> cars = [
[brand: "BMW", type: "750i", price: 300000],
[brand: "Mercedes Benz", type: "B600", price: 120000],
[brand: "Volvo", type: "S230", price: 98000]
for (car in cars) {
println "$car.brand $car.type -> $car.price"
BMW 750i -> 300000
Mercedes Benz B600 -> 120000
Volvo S230 -> 98000
Iterate over an array of string examples:
def carNameArray = ["BMW", "Mercedez Benz", "Volvo"]
for (car in carNameArray) {
println car
Mercedez Benz
Iterate over range or number example:
for ( i in 0..5 ) {
println "Line number: $i"
Line number: 0
Line number: 1
Line number: 2
Line number: 3
Line number: 4
Line number: 5
Iterate over map example:
def map = ['BMW': 300000, 'Mercedez Benz': 200000, 'Volvo': 90000]
for ( m in map ) {
println "$m.key -> $m.value"
BMW -> 300000
Mercedez Benz -> 200000
Volvo -> 90000
Iterate over map values example:
def map2 = ['BMW': 300000, 'Mercedez Benz': 200000, 'Volvo': 90000]
for ( m2 in map2.values() ) {
println m2
Iterate over the characters in the string example:
def codeName = "abcdef0123456789"
for (s in codeName) {
print "$s "
a b c d e f 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
While Loop Examples
Iterate over an array of strings using classic while example:
def cars = ["BMW", "Mercedez Benz", "Volvo"]
def x = 0
while ( x < cars.size() ) {
Mercedez Benz
Do/While Loop Examples
Classic Java-style do/while example:
def cars = ["BMW", "Mercedez Benz", "Volvo"]
def x = 0
do {
println cars[x]
} while(cars.size() > x)
Mercedez Benz
Each Loop Examples
Iterate over list of objects with implicit parameter "it" example:
class Cars {
String brand = ""
String type = ""
Integer price = 0
List<Cars> cars = [
[brand: "BMW", type: "750i", price: 300000],
[brand: "Mercedes Benz", type: "B600", price: 120000],
[brand: "Volvo", type: "S230", price: 98000]
cars.each {
println "$it.brand $it.type -> $it.price"
BMW 750i -> 300000
Mercedes Benz B600 -> 120000
Volvo S230 -> 98000
Iterate over a list of objects with variable examples:
cars.each { c ->
println "$c.brand $c.type -> $c.price"
BMW 750i -> 300000
Mercedes Benz B600 -> 120000
Volvo S230 -> 98000
Iterate over list of objects with index example:
cars.eachWithIndex { c, idx ->
println idx+1 + ". $c.brand $c.type -> $c.price"
1. BMW 750i -> 300000
2. Mercedes Benz B600 -> 120000
3. Volvo S230 -> 98000
Times Loop Examples
Iterate over list of objects using times example:
class Cars {
String brand = ""
String type = ""
Integer price = 0
List<Cars> cars = [
[brand: "BMW", type: "750i", price: 300000],
[brand: "Mercedes Benz", type: "B600", price: 120000],
[brand: "Volvo", type: "S230", price: 98000]
cars.size().times { it ->
println cars[it]
[brand:BMW, type:750i, price:300000]
[brand:Mercedes Benz, type:B600, price:120000]
[brand:Volvo, type:S230, price:98000]
That it's, the examples of Groovy map. We are wrapping the examples in one file in GitHub.
That just the basic. If you need more deep learning about Groovy and Grails you can take the following cheap course: