

A collection of the comprehensive step by step Angular tutorial starting from version 4, 5, 6, 7 to 8 completed with the working source codes

A collection of the comprehensive step by step Angular tutorial starting from version 4, 5, 6, 7 to 8 completed with the working source codes. Angular is a Javascript framework for building a web application, progressive web application, and hybrid mobile application such as Ionic and Nativescript. The Angular built entirely in TypeScript, and as a result, using TypeScript with Angular provides a seamless experience. 

Why Should I Learn Angular?

Because Angular is a modern web framework that easy to learn, even if your Javascript level is a beginner. Also, Angular is one of the most popular Javascript web frameworks. Basically, it supports a Single Page Application (SPA), Hybrid Mobile Apps, and Progressive Web Application (PWA). There is a large community that actively supported the Angular. You can find or join it's the community on Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, etc with a lot of members.

Angular Features

There's some of core Angular feature that available until the last version of Angular (version 8). 

  • Router ParamMap
  • Animations
  • NgIf with Else
  • Dynamic Components with NgComponentOutlet
  • Angular Universal
  • Angular CLI
  • Simpler Progressive Web Applications
  • Material Design
  • Build optimizer
  • Improved Compiler and Typescript
  • Router Hooks
  • Number, date and currency pipes update
  • Web Components with Angular Elements
  • Smaller bundler using Ivy
  • Remove whitespaces
  • Angular Schematics (ng add and ng update)
  • CLI prompts
  • Angular Material & Component Dev Kit (CDK)
  • Drag & drop
  • Virtual scrolling
  • Application performance improvements
  • Differential loading
  • Dynamic imports for lazy routes
  • CLI workflow improvements

Tutorials of Angular

Top 10 Angular Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 Curated Top 10 Angular Interview Questions and Answers in 2022 to Prepare Front-End Interview
Angular Tutorial: Routing and Navigation A comprehensive example of Angular Routing & Navigation to help make it easier to understand the Angular Routing concepts
Angular Material Icon (mat-icon) Example The series of a comprehensive step by step Angular Material components tutorial about Icon <mat-icon> complete with the working examples
Angular Tutorial: Oauth2 Login and Refresh Token The comprehensive step-by-step Angular tutorial on implementing Oauth2 (Authentication) login and refresh token in front-end web app
Angular 10 Universal Server Side Rendering (SSR) CRUD Example The comprehensive Angular 10 tutorial on building CRUD web application using Angular Universal Server-side rendering (SSR)
Angular 9 Tutorial: Creating Firebase Chat Web App A comprehensive step by step Angular 9 tutorial on creating Firebase chat web app with the quick user login, room list, and chat room with online users list
Angular 9 Tutorial: Angular Component Example The comprehensive Angular 9 tutorial about Angular Component with more examples to help you understanding Angular Components
Angular Tutorial: Easy Learning to Build CRUD Web App A comprehensive step by step Angular tutorial on easy learning to build a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) Angular app
Angular Material Form Controls Select (mat-select) Example The series of a comprehensive step by step Angular Material components tutorial about Form controls select <mat-select> complete with the working examples
Angular Material Form Controls, Form Field and Input Examples The series of a comprehensive step by step Angular Material components (Form Controls, Form Field, and Input) tutorial complete with the working examples